Delayed Gift Brings Continuing Blessing

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During the Wisconsin Academy Alumni meeting held back in 2013, alumni and friends were made aware of the dire need to replace the aging sewer system at the academy. Present during that meeting was a doctor from Michigan who promised to give $500,000 to the academy for the replacement of their sewer system. At the time of his death he had not yet made the donation, but did leave enough funds to cover the promised amount.

Due to the dire situation the academy was facing in regard to their sewer system, the Wisconsin Conference moved forward with funding the project in good faith that the donation would come through to cover the cost. It has taken a number of years for this money to be disbursed to the conference, and as of this past August the money was received.

Even though the conference had already funded the academy’s project, the conference Executive Committee has voted to invest $500,000 for the academy which will receive yearly proceeds from the investment to be used for their operating expenses. The Wisconsin Conference is committed to Adventist education and is glad to be able to continue supporting Wisconsin Academy through this investment.

Wisconsin Conference Administration
