Four Year Renovation Plan at Wisconsin Academy: Funds Needed

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The Blessings

God is blessing Wisconsin Academy with opportunities to expand their academic program and make improvements to the campus facility. Donors are seeing needs and giving of their time and money to enable our academy to continue its ministry to the young people who come through their doors!

The Plans

Although much progress is being made, there are still many needs. Principal Ken Smith has been working with his team and has a vision for the future. The following is a message from Principal Smith:

“I would like to update you about what is happening here at Wisconsin Academy. We have begun a four-year project to renovate the entire campus. If you have been on campus lately you have seen changes that have already taken place. The grounds have been beautified with flowers and a lot of attention has been paid to the landscaping of the campus. You would not recognize the Tech Ed. Building if you haven’t seen it in a while, it has been completely resided and looks like a new building. The cafeteria has received a lot of attention this summer with painting and renovation throughout. We have also started the process of renovating the Quonset and the administrative parking lot has had cracks filled and the entire lot has been sealed and striped.

There is much yet to do as we move forward year by year to renovate the entire campus. Among the projects we are planning on doing this year is remodeling the Science Lab. Generous donations have already come in for this project, but we are still in need of approximately $5,000 to be able to complete the renovation. We also plan on resurfacing the remaining parking lots on campus and are looking for $5,000 to finish that project. We will also continuing to renovate the Tech Ed. Building and Quonset as well as looking into additional needs in the Cafeteria. If you would like to stay informed about the renovations, please visit our website at I hope that you can come and visit us at some point to see the changes happening at Wisconsin Academy.”

Thank you to all the donors who are helping make these needed updates on our academy campus!

Your Help is Needed

If you are not already giving, would you prayerfully consider how you can be involved in supporting Wisconsin Academy? For more information on the projects underway, visit their website:

Below you can see some pictures of what is happening on the Wisconsin Academy campus.

Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator


“Before” and “After” pictures of the Tech Ed. Building which has been completely resided and is in line to be insulated to allow for year-round use:

Working on replacing the siding

Here are some other views:

Main parking lot being resurfaced: Need $5,000 to complete other parking lots

Students in the Science Lab that is scheduled for remodeling: Need $5,000 more to make the renovation complete

Cafeteria and landscaping:


Progress on the Quonset:



