Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Department Shares Discussion on Sabbath Observance Case in Supreme Court

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On behalf of the PARL (Public Affairs and Religious Liberty) department in Wisconsin: On Tuesday, April 18, the following individuals met together to discuss the Sabbath Observance Case which was heard in front of the Supreme Court earlier that day in the case of Groff v. DeJoy.

“How far must employers go to accommodate the religious practices of their employees?…the U.S. Supreme Court hears oral argument in Groff v. DeJoy, a case with far-reaching implications for Seventh-day Adventists and many other people of faith. Join us live (now past event) for a post-argument discussion featuring Alan Reinach, Groff trial attorney, and Hiram Sasser, member of the Groff Supreme Court legal team.

You can view the livestream here:
