President’s Monthly Update: February 2023

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The highlights for January are:

We started the new year with a staff meeting at the conference office. We reflected on God’s blessings for us in 2022 and recommitted ourselves to following God’s directions for our ministries in 2023.

With several departmental and ministry leaders, I attend the North American Division (NAD) Adventist Ministries Convention. The theme was “Replenished.” Every five years, leaders from the NAD, the Unions, and the Conferences get together to spend time with each other and share practical ways to replenish physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, as well as other practical seminars for various ministries.

The Lake Union Conference (LUC) President’s Retreat was an opportunity for my wife and I to meet the LUC administration and the other presidents of the conferences around Lake Michigan. This annual event provides the opportunity for prayer, spiritual and emotional reinvigoration, and planning sessions for God’s ministry in our assigned territory. We are not alone; we are part of a great team in the Lake Union Conference.

The Personnel Committee, Trust Management and Acceptance Committee (TMAC), and Camp Management Committee each met and decided on essential items for their respective ministries.

Pastor Adam Case and I met the Durand church to find a solution for the pastoral needs in the area. Also, we started the annual review interviews with our pastors on an individual basis. We are delighted to witness, once again, God’s providence for our churches and schools. We have a wonderful group of dedicated pastors and teachers in Wisconsin.

Dr. Tim Madding, the director for the North American Division Evangelism Institute (NADEI), was the guest speaker for the Pastors’ Meeting. He challenged our pastors and lay pastors to recommit themselves as disciples of Jesus and to create a discipleship culture in our churches.

I was privileged to worship with and present God’s message in the Monroe, Beaver Dam, and Fond Du Lac churches.

My wish for all of us in 2023 is the messages we find in Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV,

 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” 


Titus Naftanaila, President
