President’s Monthly Update: January 2023

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The highlights for December:

At the beginning of the month, Elder Steven Poenitz, retired executive secretary of the Lake Union Conference (LUC), presented three seminars for our pastors.

My wife and I accepted the invitation of the Rice Lake church to participate in their annual Communion vespers on Friday evening and for their worship service Sabbath morning.

Pastor Case and I attended the Chippewa Valley District meeting to listen to the local leaders’ and members’ opinions regarding the profile of the new pastor for the district.

The Ordination Review Committee met and interviewed Pastor Cristofe Guzman and his wife, Lilibeth. The Executive Committee will recommend to the LUC Executive Committee the ordination of Pastor Guzman next year.

I had the privilege to join the area pastors’ Christmas dinners (Madison, Wausau, Green Bay). Great fellowship at the end of a blessed year.

The Camp Management Committee provided updates on the projects at Camp Wakonda: Three foundations were poured for the youth buildings and the purchased materials are on the way.

The administrators and the directors of the Wisconsin Conference met at my house for long-range planning. Specific programs and activities were proposed to fulfill the Strategic Plan voted by the Wisconsin Constituency.

Elder Brian Stephan, Pastor Bill Ochs, myself and our spouses, were invited to participate in the dedication of the new building for the La Hayes Church. A grand celebration of God’s miracle for our church family took place, followed by an excellent fellowship meal. The new name of the church will be Milwaukee West Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Executive Committee met on ZOOM and made decisions on several regular and exceptional matters for advancing God’s ministry in Wisconsin.

Pastor Zack Payne accepted the call to be the Men’s Ministries Coordinator, in addition to being Youth Director. The next Men’s Retreat will be on March 24-26, 2023, at Camp Wakonda.

2022 has been a very intense year, full of activities and programs in our churches, schools, and Camp Wakonda. Wisconsin Conference is a blessed place because of all our church members, pastors, teachers, and supporting staff in our institutions.

May all of us remain faithful and committed to our Lord as He fulfills His promise in 2023.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” Jeremiah 29:11.


Titus Naftanaila, president
