Eric Anderson, New Pastor for Rhinelander District

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We are happy to share that Eric Anderson has accepted the call to serve as the new pastor for the Rhinelander district. Eric has been serving as the lay pastor for the Wautoma Company since 2019 and was also instrumental in initiating the Wautoma Church Plant back in 2016. He is excited to be joining the Wisconsin pastoral team as a full-time pastor.

Anderson says, “My journey to becoming a full-time minister did not happen overnight. It began when my father invited a very reluctant me to preach a sermon. After much hesitation, I eventually said yes and that first sermon led to another and then another. As I engaged with God’s word and participated in church ministries, I had the privilege of filling our church district position of Bible worker. As a Bible worker, I preached more and lead Bible studies across the district. This stretched my faith, but every time God called me to a new position, He gave me the strength to say yes and empowered me at the right time to do exactly what He asked me to do.”

The biggest challenge God placed before Pastor Anderson was planting a new church. He says, “God showed me an opportunity to extend ministry and advance the Great Commission right in my hometown.” A number of local families partnered together to make it happen and they saw miracle after miracle in the process. Anderson sees that God provided every step of the way. “Every time God said ‘Go’, we said ‘Yes!’ Eventually, the Wisconsin Conference asked me to be the Lay Pastor for the church. Again I was at first hesitant about such a big step but eventually said ‘Yes.’ My journey has been filled with encouragement, love, and many answered prayers.”

Pastor Anderson is motivated most right now by the soon return of Jesus. He believes that if Jesus is really coming back as soon as we think He is, what could possibly be more important than giving his entire life to God? He says, “If we really are in the last hours of history, if the close of probation and the end of the world are just a few years, even months away, how could I do anything less than throw myself completely into the ministry? There is a great work before us all and very little time in which to do it!”

That is why he decided to enter Andrews University and finish his Religion Degree. Anderson previously earned an Associates Degree in IT Computer Support from Fox Valley Technical College in Appleton, WI. Now, he is working toward earning his B.S. with an emphasis in Religion at Andrews University and is scheduled to graduate in May of 2023. His desire is to do whatever he can to extend the kingdom of God now before it is too late…and he sees that the clock is ticking.

Pastor Anderson and his wife Carrie have two young children, William and Ember. Spending time with family is top priority for Eric. He and Carrie enjoy taking the children to the park, camping, and absolutely love going to camp meeting each summer. When by himself, Pastor Anderson enjoys reading and doing some writing.

We welcome Eric and his family to full-time ministry in the Wisconsin Conference and pray for God’s blessing to surround them as they make this transition.


Laurella Case, Communication Coordinator
