Family Ministries: Student Success and Financial Stability

We hope you enjoy these articles from our Family Ministries Coordinator. Click the yellow linked word to be taken to each full article.

Strong Families, Better Student Performance. Nicholas Zill and Brad Wilcox write, in this article from the Institute for Family Studies, that even though family instability is less stigmatized than it once was, this research indicates that the power of being by stably married parents is only increasing.


Couple privilege: The wealth gap between single and married Americans has more than doubled in the last decade — how do you get ahead when it’s just you? An expert thinks the rising value of assets, like homes, could “balloon this gap even further”. For those of you who work with single adults (Adventist Single Adult Ministries), this article from MoneyWise provides some very good information.


Abraham Swamidass, Family Life Ministries Coordinator