Prophecy Countdown: Conference-Wide Evangelism in Wisconsin

The Three Angels Message is more relevant and needed now than at any other point in earth’s history. As we look around us at the crazy world we live in, we realize that things can’t last much longer. Wars, famines, plagues, and the list goes on. Many of these things now touch us here in the United States where, historically, we have been immune.

It was with this in mind, in the spring of 2021, with COVID-19 going through yet another spike, that we began planning for Prophecy Countdown. Our goal was to have a conference-wide evangelistic series that could move forward regardless of the effects of COVID-19. After much thought and prayer, we chose our host site to be Waukesha, Wisconsin, and began preparing for a remote audience.

Due to the times in which we live, with some people concerned about the safety of being in large groups, we wanted Prophecy Countdown to be available to all people. So, although this series could be attended live and in person in the Waukesha Church, we also had a dozen remote sites that were hosting this series where people could attend in person. Others shared the series in small groups in their homes, inviting friends over to watch with them. And finally, Prophecy Countdown could be viewed conveniently on a smart device from anywhere.

With a series of this size, we were concerned about the technology holding up, but due to a couple years experience with COVID-19, our churches have adapted well and by God’s grace the streaming technology worked almost flawlessly.

On opening night we had a spectacular attendance, with some of the remote host sites reporting visitor counts three to four times larger than their attending membership. It was humbling to see how God worked through our lay people, pastors, and Evangelist, Tom Michalski.

Night after night Jesus was lifted up and people were introduced, and reintroduced, to the hope we have in Him. At our various host sites we had over 140 in-person visitors during the course of the meetings. Our online views, which are hard to quantify, were well over 70,000. It is the equivalent of more than 82 people watching the entire series online. Once something goes viral online it’s hard to quantify its reach, but we are blessed to know that we have contributed to the spreading of the Three Angels Message in Wisconsin, and around the world.

In the short term, it appears that we will have over a dozen baptisms, with many more people that we are blessed to continue studying with. When a seed is planted, we never know what will happen. What we do know is that the seed of the gospel is watched over and watered by the Holy Spirit, and God will continue to work on the hearts and minds of people.

I am thankful to Pastor Tom Michalski, and for his hard work in this series over several months. I am also thankful for the many host sites, pastors, and lay leaders that helped to make this possible.

Someday soon, when we are all in heaven, we will learn the results of how God used our conference through this event, and many more like it. I can’t wait to see how God is going to use us in the future!

Adam Case, Ministerial Director