Conference Wide Evangelistic Series Begins March 31

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On March 31, Wisconsin Conference Evangelist, Tom Michalski, will begin a conference wide series of meetings entitled Prophecy Countdown. Pastor Michalski has spent over 35 years studying and sharing Biblical prophecy. His presentations will be dynamic, clear explorations of the Bible prophecies affecting our world today.

Prophecies from the Bible are unfolding in front of our eyes. Life-changing events are stirring, leaving many in fear of the future, but God saw it all coming. The Bible gives us the answers to be able to live free of fear and anxiety in these chaotic times.

This FREE event is designed for anyone interested in the predictions in the Bible, signs of prophecy in our world today or understanding global issues and their effect on our lives. We encourage you to not only attend yourself, but to invite family and friends to learn with you through this informative series of meetings.

Prophecy Countdown is being hosted live at the Waukesha Community Church Auditorium located at 21380 W. Cleveland Ave., New Berlin, WI. This series will also be streamed at several other churches around the state of Wisconsin. If your local church is a host site, we encourage you to attend at that location.

If you are not part of a host church, you may stream the series through YouTube HERE or using the QR code below, beginning on March 31. Prophecy Countdown will run Thursdays-Sundays through April 30.

To see a promotional video about this series, click HERE.

We hope you will join us on Thursday, March 31, at 6:45pm for the first presentation in this dynamic series: Prophecy’s Final Countdown.


