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Pathway to Health has always been an inclusive ministry. During each Pathway event, thousands of volunteers come together, setting aside their potential differences as they show the love of God to thousands of patients. Our Indianapolis mega clinic is no different. The theme for Pathway Indianapolis 2022 is UNITED WE SERVE. Everyone is invited and welcome to serve!
On that note and in response to several inquiries, we would like to clarify that Pathway to Health is not requiring either volunteers or patients to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend our Indianapolis mega clinic.
At the same time, the safety of our volunteers and patients is our highest priority at Pathway to Health. Because of this and considering that Pathway to Health operates in clinical environments, we will share a number of required safety precautions as we get closer to the event. This will allow us to align those precautions most closely with the current state of the pandemic. Safety policies will at a minimum comply with local, state and federal guidelines and mandates.
We recognize that various issues surrounding the pandemic are viewed differently by people. Please be assured that Pathway to Health will continue to focus on its mission of providing physical, mental, and spiritual healing to those in need. We prayerfully and respectfully ask our volunteers to leave all personal opinions and differences behind as we unite in service at Pathway Indianapolis 2022.
Pathway to Health always needs a full team of volunteers to provide maximum impact for our patients. In Indianapolis we are aiming for two thousand five hundred volunteers so please consider volunteering and inviting others to participate! Most importantly, please continue to pray for this important event. We look forward to seeing you in Indianapolis!