Editor’s Note: I Just Have to Share This

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I’ve made a wonderful discovery this year! Mike and I have been spending a lot of time in the car driving every day from our daughter’s house (where we are staying) to the building site of our new home. Wanting to use our car time beneficially, we stumbled upon The Desire of Ages Audio Project. It is the most inspiring reading of the books Desire of Ages, and The Great Controversy I have ever heard. And it’s free! I love it. We both look forward to hearing the next chapter each morning.

While we have both read these books many times, we have been blessed beyond measure by these presentations! Is it the way she reads? Is it the uncertain times we are living in right now? Is it a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s blessing? I don’t know. What I do know is that I wish everyone could feel as amazed, inspired, and desirous of remaining faithful to our loving Jesus as I have these past months.

Got a little time for a good listen? Try linking up with The Desire of Ages Audio Project. Praying you will be as blessed as I’ve been.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director

Click Here: The Desire of Ages Audio Project
PS: She reads other books as well like Steps to Christ, parts of Patriarchs and Prophets… Can’t wait till we get to them!
