Alan Petersen New Teacher on Milwaukee North Campus

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Alan Petersen is pleased to be joining the Milwaukee Adventist School North Campus this fall to teach grades 7-10, as well as Math, History and Bible. He and his wife, Hannah, have two cats named Pumpkin and Cinnamon. They are also happy to announce that they are expecting their first child which should arrive in early December. Welcome and congratulations!

Alan grew up attending the Adventist church, but says his real conversion happened his second year of college. He was discouraged with his faith when some friends asked if he would give them a ride to an Adventist church in town that met in a strip mall. “I was a little apprehensive about going,” admits Alan, “but I felt so welcomed and loved. It changed my perspective on the church, and I no longer was attending out of a tradition or obligation. I knew that the Adventist church was a place I was loved and that I belonged. Through this experience I developed a deeper relationship with Jesus and a strong desire to serve Him.”

During a summer while in college, Alan worked at a youth camp, and realized he loved working with teens. He loved that the teens had so much energy, and saw that this was a key time in their lives for defining who they were. This is what drew him to want to be an educator and help youth find and grow their relationship with Jesus. “I am excited for the opportunities that this new school year will bring,” said Alan.And, I am looking forward to the chance to share my love for Jesus to the students at Milwaukee SDA School.”

In his free time, Alan enjoys traveling, exploring nature, and spending time in water.

One of Alan’s favorite Bible texts is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
