Tim Erich New Principal for Milwaukee Adventist School

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We welcome Dr. Tim Erich as the new Administrative Principal for our Milwaukee Adventist School, along with his wife, Kristen, who is a Speech pathologist.

Tim was born to missionary parents and grew up in South Korea and Singapore. Living amongst people of all different cultures, races, and religions helped him—early in life—to appreciate the universal love of God for all, and the contributing value of differing backgrounds and perspectives as God leads us to collectively fulfill the mission He lays out before us.

Tim always enjoyed school…and couldn’t help feeling that it would be a great privilege to be able to continue to learn and grow every day…and help others gain an appreciation for life-long learning as well. One of the great joys in Tim’s life is to see the positive impact that can be made in the life of a young person. Tim’s education background includes:

-Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Political Science, with minors in French and Religion, at Loma Linda University
-Master of Arts Degree in Education in Curriculum and Instruction from La Sierra University
-Ed.S. Degree in Educational Administration & Leadership from La Sierra University
-Doctoral Degree in Education, Graduated with Ed.D. from La Sierra University

Since getting married, Tim and Kristen have lived in California (where Kristen grew up) and Oregon. Although the West Coast has been home for them, Kristen did serve as assistance girl’s dean at Maplewood Academy during a taskforce year in college, the same year that Tim spent attending school at Collonges Adventist College in France, near Geneva, Switzerland. In his free time, Tim enjoys traveling, singing, Disc (Frisbee) Golf, Biblical Archeology, Soccer, Historical Gaming, Photography, and Kayaking.

Tim and Kristen have two sons: T. Scott Erich, who is in the midst of graduate studies at Andrews University, where—just over one year ago—he married Chelsea Lake Eric; and Christopher Erich, who has taught English in South Korea and Poland, is a credential SDA secondary social studies teacher, and is also planning to move to the Milwaukee area.

“It is so exciting to see just how God is going help us meet the challenges He allows in our lives,” said Tim. “and also to experience how He works in us and through us to make a positive difference in our community and world.”

Juanita Edge, Communication Director

