Choose Jesus

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Teacher, Katie Roddy, with one of her students who was recently baptized


Lately I asked my teachers the following question…”What have you done to help students accept Jesus as their Savior?”  The following are some of the responses…

“I pray for my students, take prayer requests, build personal relationships with my students”

“We study the Bible together as part of the devotion time”

“I live my life so the students can see Jesus in me”

“I give the students time in Bible class to share”

“I had students write a letter to Jesus”

“I have prayed individually with each student and asked them if they want to give their life to Jesus”

“I give time each week for the Pastor to come and give Bible studies to those students who are interested”

“We had worship talks specifically about choosing Jesus and committing their lives to Him”

“I like to share personal experiences”

“We explore salvation”

“We wrote valentines to God”

“I try to teach my students who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He continues to do”

I talk about Jesus throughout the day.

We pray each day for Jesus to be our friend.

We sing a song about calling Jesus to come into our heart.

We watch science videos to solidify our faith in Jesus.

I make sure to take time to have personal talks and prayer with students when they are having problems.

I have students share praises and prayer requests.

I am so happy we have our Adventist schools where students and teachers can freely talk about Jesus and make Him a part of their lives.

Thank you for supporting Adventist Education in Wisconsin.


Sue Nelson, Education Superintendent

