President’s Perspective: When God Helps You to Pay the Debt

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One woman, whose husband recently died, came to Elisha with an unusual request for help. Her late husband, who was one of the “sons of the prophets,” did not have life insurance and the creditors came to enslave their two sons. She was facing three tragedies at the same time: debt, death, and losing her children to slavery.

After listening to the details of this tragic story, Elisha was direct and pragmatic: “What shall I do for you? What do you have in your house?”

No special intervention to creditors was intended. No application for debt forgiveness or relief programs. No fundraising on GoFundMe. The debt must be paid completely and the borrower is responsible for it.

What do you have in your house? What are your resources? “Nothing”, the woman replied, “…but a jar of oil.” That is more than enough! You have plenty even if you think you are bankrupt and destitute. Just a small amount of wisdom, knowledge, and the Holy Spirit is more than enough to work for a solution.

Even godly people may encounter a variety of crises. You may need the support of your community just to get more empty vessels, but not the oil. God wants to perform a miracle using your resources.

“What do you have in your house?” Shut the door and start pouring!

Titus Naftanaila, President
