Virtual Retirement Party for Elder Mike and Juanita Edge

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Although an in-person retirement party was not able to happen for Elder Mike and Juanita Edge, the Wisconsin Conference staff wanted to make sure they had the proper send off. On Tuesday, December 8, 2020 the Edges were invited to a special camping themed spot in the conference room where a tent and pretend campfire had been set up. From their pretend campsite they were invited to attend a Zoom party complete with video tributes, a trivia game, gifts and a sharing time. The office staff was encouraged to dress in outdoor themed costumes and use Zoom backgrounds to match. Aside from not being able to meet in person, the time together was enjoyed by all as memories of the past 20 years of the Edge’s ministry were shared.

The Executive Committee wished the Edge’s farewell during their November 18 Zoom meeting and gave the Nathan Greene print entitled The Rescue, depicting the Shepherd reaching down for the lost sheep, as a parting gift. Also, during the December 3 pastor’s meeting, the Wisconsin pastors showed their appreciation for the Edge’s ministry through gifts, plaques and words of gratitude.

We wish Elder Edge and Juanita all the best as they move into this new stage in life and pray God’s blessing on them both and their family. They will be greatly missed here in Wisconsin, but we know we will meet again in heaven. Congratulations to them both on their retirement!

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