Koinz 4 Kidz Awarded $3,129.51 to Wisconsin Students

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Koinz 4 Kidz is an opportunity for every person in Wisconsin Conference to help provide scholarships to elementary-age children in Wisconsin Adventist Schools. The scholarships are usually awarded at camp meeting, but since there was no camp meeting this year, scholarships were sent to the schools.

This year $3,129.51 was divided between seven students across the conference.

I would like to thank all those who donated coins to make these scholarships possible so young people are able to attend an Adventist school.

Here is how Koinz 4 Kidz works:

1. Add your pocket change to a jar you have at home.  When the jar is full, convert your coins to dollars.
2. Place dollars in a tithe envelope marked Koinz 4 Kidz and put it in the offering plate.
3. Send the monies into the Wisconsin Conference office.  The Education Department uses these funds as scholarships which are distributed at Camp Meeting.
4. For bulletin inserts and posters visit our website: wi.adventist.org/koinz-4-kidz-2/

Sue Nelson, Superintendent for Education
