On the Sabbath of November 7, 2020, the Chippewa Valley SDA church in Altoona, Wisconsin, witnessed the baptism of four ladies who have committed their lives to Jesus. They came from varied walks of life and gave their testimonies that Sabbath.
Lynn Amundson began listening to the 3ABN radio station several years ago as a result of having difficulty sleeping and this activity was not only calming but informative. She began to attend the Chippewa Valley SDA church about three years ago partly as a result of a friendship she had developed with Orv Gauger and their mutual interest in healthy living. Lynn came from a Catholic background but as she learned more of the Bible, she asked our Pastor Kevin Kuehmichel for baptism.
Annie Camden was a member of a Lutheran church in Fall Creek, Wisconsin, and as she began to study the Bible on her own, she realized the seventh day is actually the Biblical Sabbath. She asked her pastor about this and he told her she needed to contact a pastor from the Seventh-day Adventist church. In February of 2020 she contacted Pastor Kevin Kuehmichel and asked to study the Bible in preparation for baptism.
Kelly Mahoney grew up in a household where her mother was a practicing Seventh-day Adventist. Kelly knew the Best family from the Chippewa Valley SDA church, as her mother attended Wisconsin Academy with several of the girls from that family. As a child she attended Sabbath School and church, but in time had left those beliefs. Her mother passed away in February, 2020, and during this time Kelly met Pastor Kevin Kuehmichel who visited her mother while she was in hospice. Kelly decided that she wanted to recommit her life to Jesus and study the Bible.
Sandy Peck knew about the Seventh-day Adventist church through her marriage, as her in-laws are members of the Chippewa Valley SDA church. When she and her husband returned to the Chippewa Falls area, she became acquainted with Pastor Kevin Kuehmichel who in a conversation asked if she wanted to learn more of the Bible.
In June of this year, Pastor Kevin and Roxanne Best began Bible studies with these ladies. As the Word of God was opened, hearts softened and friendships born. On November 7, many tears of joy were shed as these ladies publicly declared their love for Jesus and their willingness to make Him the Lord of their lives.
Article submitted by Mardia Harycki, member of the Chippewa Valley Adventist Church