President’s Perspective: Our God is Faithful

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This article will be my last in the Lamp Letter as President of the Wisconsin Conference. Juanita and I have loved the years we have served in Wisconsin. Nine and a half years as Youth Director, and ten and a half years as Conference President, and Juanita as Communications Director. As we will be retiring and leaving Wisconsin at the end of December we realize we are leaving many, many friends. The friendships and the experiences we’ve shared in these 20 years have been a huge blessing, and will be long remembered. While we will be many miles apart, we look forward to a grand reunion in heaven, which I believe will be very soon.

During our time here we have seen Camp Wakonda flourish as a year-round facility, serving summer campers, camp meetings, and many other groups during the year. In the last 10 years we have seen over 2,000 people join our conference through baptism and profession of faith, with a net gain in membership of around 500.

I am thankful for our pastors, teachers, and church leaders as they continue to focus on evangelism. Public meetings, private in-home Bible studies, Christ-centered teachings in our schools, all are ways of leading people, young and old, to Christ and His kingdom. Our Hispanic churches continue to flourish. We have vibrant immigrant groups meeting in the Hmong and Karen languages. The “mission field” has truly moved to America.

We celebrate the working of God through His people during these years. We know that in this time of political and social uncertainty God is still in control and that exciting days are just ahead. The completion of God’s work will be done by those who are totally committed to Jesus Christ, and desire to share with others the wonderful message of love and hope throughout Scripture, including the wonderful message of Jesus soon return to redeem those who love and follow Him.

There is still a great deal of work to be done. For every Adventist in Wisconsin there are 752 Wisconsin residents who have not yet heard the Three-Angels Messages. Ellen White gives us timely counsel, “Again and again the angel has said to me, ‘Press together, press together, be of one mind, of one judgment. Christ is the leader, and you are brethren: follow Him. Walk in the light as He is in the light.’”  PCL 58

Our God is faithful, and will not fail us. No matter what trial comes our way, He will be our companion, our joy, our strength, and our light. May we soon hear the words of Jesus. “Well done my faithful servant… Enter into the joy of your Lord.”

Mike Edge, President
