Wisconsin Academy Juniors Enjoy “Passover” Meal

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On Tuesday, Juniors enjoyed a meal reminiscent of Passover at the time of Christ. Seated on floor, social-distance style, we enjoyed a variety of biblical foods, including, of course, unleavened bread, grape juice, and “bitter herbs”. The main item of the meal missing was the lamb.  (If anyone knows a good recipe or source for for vegetarian lamb, let me know.) As the meal progressed, we remembered the promises of God in the book of Exodus to “bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians”, “deliver you from their bondage”, “redeem you with an outstretched arm”, and “take you to Me for a people”.

In Bible III, we’ve been studying about the Sanctuary and its services. This week, we are currently studying how the feasts outlined key events in God’s plan of salvation. Passover is special because it pointed forward to Jesus’ death on the cross to save us from slavery to sin and offer us eternal life with Him.

Special thanks to Kelly Taitano for making the unleavened bread (it was delicious), and to Juanita Edge and Jeanette Pettey for helping pull the whole thing together.

Greg Edge, Bible III and IV Teacher


