Northern District Enjoyed Guest Speaker Dr. Jiri Moskala

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Rice Lake Church hosted the annual Northern District Sabbath September 26, 2020, during the peak time of autumn colors this year. Many area churches were represented as Dr. Jiri Moskala, professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology, and Dean of the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University, shared in three presentations.

He opened our minds to a deeper understanding of why the face of Moses shown when he came down from Mt. Sinai for the seventh time: what God can do when we let Him, and key issues of the great controversy: why our good God often allows evil to take the upper hand even with His faithful people. His concluding presentation was on the faithfulness of the God of Jonah: with surprising insights.

Everyone brought their own lunches and enjoyed the blessed fellowship known only by fellow disciples Christ.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
