October is Pastor Appreciation Month

This month is an opportunity to come alongside your pastor and family, and be a support to them.  God has entrusted each pastor a most precious and great responsibility: that of caring for His church. The church, on the other hand, needs to pray for them and support them in their work.

As you pray for and encourage your pastor and family, tell them about the tangible ways you see God working through them, and have personally been blessed by their ministry. Look for ways to support them, help shoulder their burdens, and strengthen their families. Let them know we are all on the same team in our church’s ministry. The Bible says, “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching” (1 Timothy 5:17).

The General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists has set aside Sabbath, October 10, 2020, as Pastor Appreciation Day. Check out this link for ideas from Elder’s Magazine on how to make this a special Sabbath for your pastor.


*We apologize if your pastor is not pictured here. It is only because we do not have their picture on file.