A Weekend at Camp Sagola for Wisconsin Academy Students

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With the Seniors gone on their traditional Senior Experience, the remainder of the school headed north to spend the weekend at Camp Sagola, near Crystal Falls in Michigan’s upper peninsula.

After moving into our cabins and enjoying a warm supper in the lodge, we gathered to welcome the Sabbath with singing and vespers. Pastor Sean Brizendine spoke about the power of God to change a life, illustrated by personal experience. By 10:00 we were settling down in our bunks for a good night’s sleep.

Those who rose early Sabbath morning were treated to a lovely sight as a light mist rose from over Mitchell Lake reflecting the reds and yellows of the autumn birch and maple. After a hearty breakfast, the Student Association officers led us in Sabbath School. We discussed the question of whether it is morally acceptable to tell a lie if your reasons are sufficiently strong, exploring biblical evidence to build a case.

After lunch, we enjoyed exploring the shoreline of Mitchell Lake by canoe, paddleboat, and kayak. The two or three who unintentionally wound up in the lake found it quite chilly! Back on shore, Mrs. Taitano divided us in groups and sent us on a scavenger hunt, gathering everything from moss to feathers to toadstools. With the treasures we gathered, we created depictions of biblical scenes.

The evening closed with singing and worship around a campfire at the edge of the lake. As the color drained from the sky, Pastor Jim Nephew spoke about the love of Jesus and His desire to know each one of us. Following worship, we rotated through three activities – making s’mores around the fire, going on a hay-ride, and letting our eyes adjust to the moon-less dark during a night-hike around the lesser-known corners of the camp.

Sunday morning we rose early and packed back into the bus for our next adventure – a service project at the Haskell farm nearby.

On behalf of the students and staff, we say thank-you to everyone at Camp Sagola who made this weekend go so smoothly. It was truly a blessing, one that many of us would like to see become an annual tradition.

Greg Edge, Bible Teacher Wisconsin Academy


