JAHWI Celebrates 20 Years of Ministry

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JAHWI (Jovenes Adventista Hispana de Wisconsin) (Adventist Hispanic Youth of Wisconsin), just celebrated their 20 Year Anniversary! What started from a small group of young people wanting to provide a quality revival experience for our Hispanic young people, has now grown into a full and vibrant ministry that brings many young and old to Jesus in Wisconsin! AHWI leaders take on four-year terms and it has proven to be a leadership model that works well for them! Each term they integrate young and old leadership to create a team that brings energy, ambition, vision, and wisdom.

Arody Barahona or as most call her, Asbel, is the current JAHWI president. Asbel leads a great team who work side by side in creating quality events and outreach opportunities. JAHWI has been to the last three Lake Union Youth Evangelism congresses to present creative ministry ideas for funding and has been awarded each time. Each year they host several outreach events that include a sports day in a park, homeless ministry multiple times a year, a leaders retreat to celebrate the hard work that they put into the year, and finally a large retreat at Camp Wakonda where they see upwards of 250 attendees.

Each year they have a theme for their weekend and it is a sight you will not want to miss. The Fireside Lodge at Camp Wakonda is transformed into a different era where they celebrate with good food, great musical talent, and group games that continue to build relationships, and encourage a lifestyle of service. While we all know 2020 has been turned upside down with the coronavirus, JAHWI did not let it stop them. What was supposed to be their big year was quickly moved to an online week of prayer, an online evangelistic series, and now two celebrations in parks where they can still meet in smaller groups while socially distanced. They will meet in Sheboygan September 19, and Watertown September 26.

We are so proud of the accomplishments that this group has made. We know that even through a pandemic they will continue to find ways to creatively celebrate and serve an amazing God!

Pastor Eric Chavez, Youth Director

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