President’s Perspective: Experiencing God’s Peace

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I recently took my car to the repair shop to get new brakes. The old ones were making unusual noises, and I realized that the time had come to get them changed.

I gave the car key to the man at the desk, and went to the waiting room. When they finally told me the car was done, I paid the bill, and got my key back. I went outside and drove the car away. No strange sounds.

But thinking back, it occurred to me that I never saw the new brakes. I didn’t watch to make sure the technician aligned the disks and the pads just right and tightened each wheel bolt properly. Yet, when I drove the car away I didn’t first check the technicians work or  pump the brakes a couple of times to make sure they worked, before I headed out into traffic. I was not anxious as I approached the red light ahead with cars in front of me. I just pushed on the brake pedal, “knowing” that the brakes would work right.

Thinking of this practical lesson in trust, it helps me better to put my trust in God. I may not see exactly what He is doing on my behalf. I am not aware often of His intervention that provides physical safety, or His promptings that steer me away from situations that would endanger my spiritual safety. But I know He does.

It’s when I think that I must be in control; that God either is not big enough, or doesn’t care enough for me, that my anxiety level skyrockets.

I am thankful for the promise of God that Paul shares in Philippians 4:4-7. “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men The Lord is at hand. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”

It’s when I consciously say “God is in control. I trust Him to sort out my complex issue,” that the anxiety level drops and I can experience the peace that He promises.

And it’s something that I need to do regularly – to place my plans, my cares, and my life in His care.

My hope is that you will also place whatever is troubling you in the caring hands of God, knowing that He can take care of it, and in return, give you peace. May you experience His peace today, and in the days to come.

Mike Edge, Wisconsin Conference President
