Update on Camp Wakonda Forestry Clean-Up

Another big thank you to the volunteers who have come to help with the forestry clean up at Camp Wakonda!! You each have been a huge blessing!  Every stick picked up is helping to make camp look more beautiful.

We’re excited to announce that we will be providing lunch and supper to Work Bee volunteers for one extra day!!!  Don’t have a full day?  No problem, we’d be happy to have you come for even an hour or two!

The final days of the Wakonda Work Bee are:

Tuesday, July 7
Sunday, July 12
Tuesday, July 14

Please be sure to let us know which day/s you will be coming. You can contact us by calling Camp Wakonda at 608-296-2126 ext .102, or emailing us at campwakondawi@gmail.com.

We’d love to have you join us!!

Hope to see you soon,

The Camp Wakonda Staff


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