Editor’s Note: Power Through the Promises

For the past month I have been richly blest by the ministry of “100 Days of Prayer” provided online daily by the General Conference of our church. This emphasis on prayer continues through July 4 and provides scripture, devotional material, and prayer needs for each day. If you have not seen it, you should try it out.

I was especially impacted this week by the following quotes shared on the 100 Days of Prayer site:

“As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” – 2 Peter 1:3-4

“Every promise in the Word of God is for us. In your prayers, present the pledged word of Jehovah and by faith claim His promises. His Word is the assurance that if you ask in faith, you will receive all spiritual blessings. Continue to ask, and you will receive exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think. Educate yourself to have unlimited confidence in God. Cast all your care upon Him. Wait patiently for Him, and He will bring it to pass.” In Heavenly Places, p. 71

Wow! All we need to escape corruption and become a partaker in the divine nature God provides through the Bible promises!! I certainly don’t have the power in myself to change my sinful heart. But I can choose present God’s promises before Him daily, educate myself to trust them and Him, and say, “Lord, I believe, please help my unbelief.” Then He will provide all I need to live a life of godliness “exceedingly abundantly above” what I could even imagine!

I pray you and I will be constantly lifting God’s beautiful promises before Him in full faith, and discover the unbelievable joy and power to be gained through those promises!

I also hope you will be blessed by reading about answers to prayer, what outreach activities are happening, and all the other inspiring content you’ll find in this May eNewsletter.

Juanita Edge, Communication Director