No more masks and PPE’s,
No vinyl gloves or fears;
No more news of wrenching loss
And loved-ones shedding tears!
No more crowded corridors
With stressed-out nursing-teams,
And haggard doctor’s faces
Reflecting solemn scenes!
There’s no more common-gravesites
To claim the “unclaimed” dead;
Carried there as common freight
And viewed with common dread!
No “distancing” or quarantines,
No families hunkered-down;
No empty schools and churches
Or “ghostlike” streets in town!
No economic worries
And furrowed-forehead-lines,
Wond’ring if the government
Will send relief in time!
No “Covid-19” virus,
Tagged: “unseen enemy”-
Whose strength could alter nations
And force them to their knees!
Instead, the faithful see the KING –
Their “Vaccine” – tried and true;
Healer of a sin-sick world
Splits sky, as He bursts through!
Trumpet blares; the dead are raised
Who once-again embrace;
No masks required forevermore –
No fear of “face-to-face!”
Carried high to heav’nly realms
To spend unending days;
The chariot rumbles upward
As saints resound His praise!
The setting sun of Planet Earth
Shines faint in memory
As rescued-saints sing vict’ry-songs
Beside the Crystal Sea!
“Eden-Lost” is now restored;
Then, nevermore alone,
The ransomed-ones will be content
To “shelter” safe at HOME!!!
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
be with you all. Amen,”
Revelation 22:21
by Gloria Wilde, Green Bay SDA Church