Upcoming Adventurer Activities for 2020

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Greetings Adventurers! We are looking forward to another year of fun, learning, and sharing Jesus with our amazing young people, and their families!

I just wanted to let you know of a few things going on this year!

First, Adventurer fun day has been changed. The new date is April 26, 2020 instead of May 3, 2020. So mark your calendars and we look forward to seeing you there! If you are interested in helping in any way lead out with an Award, please let me know asap so that we can get supplies and make the day as fun and enlightening as possible! Register here! 

Second, Adventurer camporee is August 28, 29, and 30 so don’t miss out! Start planning today! We want to see you all there. It may seem early this year, but we have been working the last 3 years to try and get it earlier so that it is warmer for our young campers. Register Here!

Lastly, if you have any needs or questions, never hesitate to reach out. We are here for your success and will do all we can to help you in whatever way we can!

We hope you have a great week and we will see you soon!

Eric Chavez, Youth Director
Contact Information

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