The following interview was recently conducted by Sue Nelson, Superintendent of Education, with David Rawls, member of the Sturgeon Bay Church and originator of the Koinz 4 Kids program.
Nelson: What is Koinz 4 Kidz?
Rawls: It’s a scholarship program for young people to be able to get an Adventist Education. One day at Wisconsin Conference camp meeting I heard that the Superintendent of Education, who was Linda Rosen at the time, wanted to start a scholarship program to help young people attend our Adventist Elementary schools. I talked with Linda, and that conversation led my wife, Marlene, and I to brainstorm on how to help everyone in our conference participate. Everybody can give some change,” I thought. So I bought coin banks and passed them out at our Sturgeon Bay Church. A young girl at our church brings a bag of change every month to turn in for Koinz 4 Kids. Coins, checks, cash, or however you want to give works.
Nelson: What are the steps for a church to participate in Koinz 4 Kidz?
Rawls: Set a goal, pass out jars or another container, and set a time when the money is to be turned into the church treasurer. Mark “Koinz 4 Kidz” in the other category on the tithe envelope. The money is sent to the conference office. Scholarships are handed out to young people the first Saturday of camp meeting.
Nelson: Why are you so passionate about this program?
Rawls: The young people are the future of our church! God wants to bless us when we help our young people. We must be supporting our young people to go to our schools so they can understand and know the Bible. We fail when we do not support our young people. Everyone needs to be involved somehow. God said, ‘Go ye into all the world.’ We can help by training our young people and then they will go into all the world. My wife and I feel it is important to support our young people through our Adventist elementary schools and academy so they can be pastors, teachers, and leaders in our churches. If everyone gives a little bit, think how many young people we can help! God can bless you if you become His steward and help others.
David, a welder by trade, has dedicated his life to service for God. He has taught welding at Wisconsin Academy and enjoys leading the Community Services at his Sturgeon Bay church and helping in many projects. Marlene Rawls received her Nutrition degree from Andrews University. She has put her degree to work helping many, especially Amish families. The Rawls have two boys, Daniel and Donald.
Thank you David and Marlene for your vision in helping the young people in the Wisconsin Conference.
If you have a story about Koinz 4 Kidz in your church, please send it to Sue Nelson at
Sue Nelson, Superintendent of Education