Summer Camp Registration Opens 9:00 am February 18

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It may be never ending clouds, salt on the road, and snow right now, but the sun will be shining soon! With that sunshine, summer camp will not be far behind!! Are you ready and gearing up? We are so excited for another summer season and hope that you are planning to come hang out with us at Camp Wakonda! We have a great program lined up this year and are excited to share Jesus in our favorite place! Registration will open online for Wisconsin SDA Church members at 9:00 am on February 18, 2020, and non-WI church members on March 2, 2020, also at 9:00 am.

I want to encourage you to register as soon as possible as we fill up every year and don’t want you to miss out on any of the events or activities! Some camps fill up within the first 30 minutes of registration, so don’t delay!

In order to get the early church member registration, you will need to insert the registration code of – WIChurchMember2020.

Find the link to the camp you are interested in at

As you register you will also see that prices have increased as they do every year, but please know that there are many opportunities for discounts and worthy camper funds upon completion of registration!

Click here for our Worthy Camper Scholarship Application!

Click here for our PassBook of Savings!

As always, we are here to serve you and happy to help you in any way that we can! Never hesitate to contact us!

Pastor Eric, Youth Director
