Register by March 6 to Become an Emotional and Spiritual Care Provider

Dr. Martin Feldbush, from the North American Division Adventist Community Service Department, is coming as the featured speaker for Emotional and Spiritual Care training at Camp Wakonda April 3-5, 2020. Please note, this class requires pre-registration with payment by March 6, 2020. This program equips people to serve as credentialed responders after disasters and other traumatic events. Approved instructors use standardized, recognized curricula and resources developed by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF), Adventist Community Services (ACS) and others. Here are some of the details outlined:

Class Title: ACS Emotional and Spiritual Care Provider

Date: April 3-5, 2020

Location: Camp Wakonda

Presenter: Dr. Martin Feldbush from the North American Division

Lodging: Hickory and Red Pine Lodges

Cost: $50

Deadline With Payment: No later than March 6, 2020. Registration at the door will NOT be accepted.

Limited Class Size: 40 people

Note: Some classes online are recommended prior to taking this class. This is part 1 of 2 parts and will be 15 hours of training.

See course description, notes on crisis care, and download a registration form HERE.

Alice Garrett, Adventist Community Services Coordinator