President’s Perspective: A New Beginning

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We are at the beginning of a new year and a new decade.

As I look back at the last year I see many things: A country that has grown increasingly divided and hostile; many people who will only tolerate those who agree with them; increasing violence; and a breakdown of societal norms. But, I also see church families who have chosen to love the unlovely, care for the hurting, serve those with less, and welcome into fellowship people who, like them, love and serve Jesus.

We don’t know what this new decade holds, but I am confident that the downward moral spiral will not suddenly reverse, and that hatred and hostility will only increase. But, I am also confident that as a conference we can reflect the love of Jesus in such an appealing way that people will be drawn to Him through our witness; that people will escape the clutches of Satan and relish the freedom in the gift of Jesus’ salvation.

I would challenge myself, and you, to pledge to reflect Jesus during this coming year; to introduce someone to Jesus, and to invite them to walk with Him this new year.

I hope that before this new decade is over, Jesus will come in the clouds of glory and that we, along with those whom we have introduced to Jesus will be lifted up in the air and taken to heaven, where there will be no more sorrow, sickness, or tears.

Mike Edge, President
