President’s Perspective: Only Two Rules

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Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch writes; ”I tell my law clerks I have two rules — only two rules — if you follow them, you’re going to be just fine. Rule number one: Don’t make it up — follow the law. Rule number two: When everybody else around you is yelling at you, asking you to make it up and condemning you for not making it up, refer to rule number one.”

This wise advice not only makes sense in the courthouse, but has application in the life of the Christian. Follow the guide book – the Scriptures. When in doubt as to how to proceed, follow the Bible. When everyone else around is yelling and criticizing us for walking the straight and narrow, follow the inspired Word of God. We are safest when following the plain and profound message of God given especially to guide us in times of serenity and times of upheaval. Other voices may clamor for our attention and focus, but if we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, as revealed in Scripture, we will soon find ourselves on those streets of gold, promised to those who love and follow Jesus.

May God’s Word be your constant companion, and guide today and everyday.

Mike Edge, President
