Bill Ochs New Planned Giving and Trust Director for Wisconsin Conference

I’m sure you’ve heard the cliché, “the only thing constant is change.” The thing about clichés is that they are clichés because of the truth they contain. In my case, the cliché’ fits once again. After 27 years as a pastor – all in Wisconsin – my role has changed from being a local pastor to the new Planned Giving and Trust Director for the Wisconsin Conference. Thankfully, what will not change for me is I still have the privilege to serve the people of Wisconsin.

The cliché regarding change is true for all of us. Life is full of transitions, expected ones and unexpected ones. Did you know, seven out of ten families do not have a current will or living trust?  Estate planning and good stewardship go together and finishing well as a good steward to safeguard your family, ensures your desires are met and may help to benefit the work of Christ here in Wisconsin.

Consider King David’s prayer of thanksgiving in I Chronicles 29:12-14 Both riches and honor come from You and You reign over all…now therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name. But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You.”  David’s words sum up nicely the privilege we all have as good stewards to share in the building up the work of God and helping to hasten the coming of our Savior.

I’m looking forward to serving you as the Trust Director for the Wisconsin Conference. I would welcome a visit during camp meeting so feel free to drop by the Trust Cabin or give me a call so we can set up a time to get acquainted.

Pastor Bill Ochs, Planned Giving and Trust Services Director
Office: 920-484-6555 ext. 311