Wautoma English and Spanish Companies Enjoy Joint Fellowship

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On April 30, 2016, a group of Adventist living near Wautoma, Wisconsin, held their first Sabbath worship service at the Capsell building, on Main Street in Wautoma. About that same time, the Spanish speaking Adventist group held their first Sabbath service in a room, also at the Capsell Building. In the spring of 2017, both church plant groups began work on the Wautoma SDA Community Services Building, remodeling it into our church where both groups have been meeting. Each group took turns alternating the upstairs and downstairs on a monthly schedule, conducting worship and Sabbath school in our small church.  With both the English and Spanish groups reaching company status, we continued to share potlucks jointly after every Sabbath worship.  We have held services together on some Sabbaths, but most were held separately.

On January 12, 2019, we held our first communion service for the English Company and invited the Spanish Company to join us.  Both Pastor Lima for the Spanish Company and Pastor Justin Spady for the English Company, participated in the service and both the Spanish Company and English company enjoyed our first foot washing and communion services together.  Some of the service was done in Spanish and some English. Both Companies provided music during the service. The day was made even more special with the baby dedication of Ember Trillium Anderson, daughter of English Church Elder Eric and wife Carrie Anderson. The church was full and in attendance were several visitors from the community. The service was a blessing to all who participated and has brought both groups closer together.

The old Wautoma SDA Church had been closed for about twenty years but has been re-acquired in August of 2018 and is being remodeled for worship for the English Company. Members of the Spanish Company are assisting with this project which we pray will be completed soon.

Submitted by Alan Anderson, Wautoma SDA Company

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