Two young girls, Lydia and Paris, have been friends since the fourth grade in school. Together, while in sixth grade, they began to study with their pastor for baptism. Their plan was to be baptized that coming summer during camp meeting. But circumstances beyond their control put their plan on hold. Both were sad it didn’t happen.
Then once again in their eighth-grade year at Petersen Elementary School the two girls began to study the Bible lessons with Wisconsin Academy (WA) Pastor Jonathan Fetrick. “…where two or three are gathered together in My name…” When the girls, now freshman at WA, were asked when they wanted to be baptized they replied, “When school is on and all our friends can be there.” In other words, not during home leave.
So, on a beautiful 43 degree winter Sabbath, February 2nd 2019, Lydia Laureen Kelly and Paris Mae Roberts made their vows to continue to love Jesus before a full Wisconsin Academy Church. Family members came from various places to support them, and the service was blessed with peace and joy.
After the baptism Paris and Lydia took their places in the WA choir and joined in singing the final selection. The families, together with the WA church members, had a ‘haystack’ potluck to celebrate their membership in God’s family. As parents & grandparents, friends & church members we understand Paris and Lydia’s journey with Jesus is now starting a new level. We believe He will continue to walk with them ‘til they reach heaven’s shore.
So, as you offer up your prayers today, please don’t forget these two young ladies. After all, they’ve made the decision to spend eternity with all the rest of us! Therefore, you will someday become very good friends with each one of them.
We are thankful for the promise of Matthew 18:20 where Jesus told His disciples (and anyone else standing within earshot) “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Lesa Budd, Paris Roberts grandmother of Madison East Church