This Sabbath Dr. Ndamyumugabe of Weimar Speaks at Wisconsin Academy

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Join us this Sabbath, February 2, as Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, our week of prayer speaker, presents for church and in the afternoon.

Dr. Ndamyumugabe, obtained his PhD in Religion from the Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies (AIIAS). Currently he teaches in the department of Theology at Weimar Institute, in California, where he lives with his wife, Jacqueline, and their three sons.

For fourteen years he taught in the department of theology at the Adventist University of Central Africa (AUCA). He also teaches as adjunct professor of missions at Adventist University of Africa (AUA).

Dr. Phodidas has a wide range of experiences in evangelism and church planting. His main interest is in reaching the unreached and  preparing people for the second coming of Jesus Christ. He has conducted more than 60 evangelistic efforts.

