Editor’s Note: Love

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The dictionary defines love in several ways. For example, love is: A strong positive emotion of; affection or pleasure. Any object of warm affection or devotion or liking. But the Bible goes a different direction in defining love. This Valentine month, I want to digest the following description of love in first 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 NKJV.

Love suffers long…

and is kind…

love does not envy…

love does not parade itself…

is not puffed up…

does not behave rudely…

does not seek its own…

is not provoked…

thinks no evil…

does not rejoice in iniquity…

but rejoices in the truth…

bears all things…

believes all things…

hopes all things…

endures all things…

Gives you and I a lot of valuable things to ponder! Happy Valentines day!

Juanita Edge, Communication Director
