President’s Perspective: A Tender Touch

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As I write this evening my heart aches as I look at pictures of elderly men and women, survivors of the holocaust gathered at Auschwitz, remembering the horror of those days 74 years ago. That men and women could treat fellow human beings with such hatred and inhumanity boggles my mind.

In places like Auschwitz we have seen mankind at its worst. But our society is desperately in need of seeing people at their best. People who demonstrate kindness and compassion to those whose lives are falling apart. Offering care even when it is inconvenient. Taking time to listen to those who the world deems worthless. People who are willing to get their hands and feet dirty, getting into the pit and rescuing people.

God has called us, as Christians, and as a church, to be those people. God has called us to reflect His character. His character caused Him to leave His “comfort zone” and come to this earth and rescue us.

I would challenge you to look around you this week. Find someone who needs to feel the tender touch of Jesus, and be His hands and feet in real and tangible ways.

Mike Edge, President
