Pastor Tom Michalski has accepted a call to be the Conference Evangelist for our Wisconsin Conference beginning January 1, 2019. Pastor Michalski and his wife, Melody have served in the Wausau Church District since 2015.
“Eighteen years ago I went to Amazing Facts to be trained as an evangelist,” said Pastor Michalski. “A little over a year after graduation I was called to pastoral ministry, and I served as a pastor/evangelist. My passion has always been evangelism. And now, the privilege that I have to serve the people in the state that I grew up in as Conference Evangelist is a dream come true. I would like to thank the Wisconsin Conference and all the constituents for the trust they have placed in me. By God’s grace, we will reap a blessed harvest as we prepare for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Juanita Edge, Communication Director