President’s Perspective: Connecting to Serve

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At the recent constituency session delegates overwhelmingly voted a new strategic plan for the next four years entitled “Connecting to Serve.” This new plan focuses on our overall mission, “to grow passionate disciples of Jesus prepared for Christ’s soon coming.”  Three initiatives and goals follow.


Cross-Connect is the Wisconsin Conference initiative for integrated discipleship. The focus of the initiative is to call and develop every member – from birth to old age – to be an active, growing, disciple of Jesus, and a center of influence for the kingdom of heaven.

What is the Goal? The goal of Cross-Connect is to connect ministries in building up individuals, homes, schools, and communities, in relationship with Christ. More specifically, the goal of the initiative is to:

1. Connect people cross-generationally to provide mentoring that will facilitate members of     all ages to more effectively reach out into their communities.

2. Increase engagement among all members, ministry leaders, and organizational employees by uniting and integrating ministries, resources, and efforts toward this end.


Education-Connect is the Wisconsin Conference initiative for students both within our Adventist schools and in other educational institutions. The focus is to bring together in mutual support our homes, churches and schools to prepare students to reflect Jesus clearly, experience the joy of service, and be prepared for the soon coming of Jesus.

What is the Goal? The goal of Education-Connect is to reach our young people within the educational context and by word, action, and role-modeling, guide them so they will grow up to be positive, influential citizens in their communities, who reflect the love of Jesus in all they do.


Community-Connect is the multi-year Wisconsin Conference initiative to encourage and empower churches across our conference to reach into their communities to make connections that will advance the kingdom of God.

What is the goal? The goal of Community-Connect is to have each church “reach in” to their community to provide services that will alleviate personal and community needs. It is also to “reach out” and provide annual evangelistic meetings to engage and impact their communities with the gospel message. All efforts are aimed at making connections that will lead to vibrant relationships and ultimately to connect people to Jesus in preparation for His return.

Please join us as we connect across our conference to serve our Lord, and those entrusted to our care.

Mike Edge, President
