President’s Perspective: Inventory

This past weekend Juanita and I went through the difficult, and painful process, of moving. We packed, loaded, and then unloaded all our possessions from one house to another place about 4 miles way. But in that process, which encompassed several weeks of packing were many decisions – keep it, give it, or throw it (It is amazing how many things we can collect without much thought or effort). Some of those things are of value, others not so much.

In our spiritual lives, it is also important to do an inventory on our own lives. Are there things that should be tossed out that may be taking up space, or time, in your life that is dragging you down spiritually? Are there habits or practices that you have carried for quite some time that are harmful in your relationship with Jesus? Are there other things that have been tucked back in the corner, that need to be brought out, dusted off, and put to use for His kingdom?

In a few days camp meeting is coming. Through the week, speakers will be sharing wonderful Biblical messages of hope and challenge. I hope you will take this as an opportunity to take that personal inventory, and whether it is under the pine trees, or next to you bed, you will listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit talking to you about your own personal life with Jesus. And that you will take steps to clean your “house” and move forward, renewed by Christ’s power and love.

Mike Edge, President