Teresa Schaetzka New Office Administrative Assistant

Teresa Schaetzka is a native of Wisconsin and is returning to work at the Wisconsin Conference Office. Teresa will be working at the Conference Office as the Administrative Assistant for Elder Edge, Elder Case and Elder Stephan.  Teresa is coming from Indiana Academy where she has been working for the last 6 years as Registrar.  Teresa is an office aficionado who is driven by a strong work ethic and great organizational skills. Teresa has enjoyed working with young people for the last several years and her burden for young people extends into young adult ministry. As a young adult herself she’s recognized how young adults sometimes have a hard time finding their place in the church. Working with Cruise with a Mission, ministry under Center for Youth Evangelism has empowered her and she wants to share the experience with others. She recognizes that it encourages young adults to be themselves and minister to those in and outside of the church.  Teresa looks forward to ministering in the Wisconsin Conference and meeting new people and being reunited with old friends.