300 for Jesus and the Great Conspiracy

In the overall scheme of things our activities in Wisconsin are pretty small. At least from a cosmic perspective. Three hundred people is a small number, but I have been praying on a daily basis that we would reach 300 souls for Jesus this year, or more!

As we are in the middle of the pandemic of this Corona Virus I was tempted to take “300 for Jesus” off my prayer list. As we have lost many of our normal methods of communication and personal contact, how are we supposed to reach people for Jesus now? Then I was reminded, people need Jesus now more than ever. Many are sitting at home wondering what life will be like two days, weeks, or months from now. 

I don’t have all the answers in this department but I think we need prayer, now, more than ever as we seek to reach 300 for Jesus.

At times like these, conspiracy theories abound. People imagine that this government or that secret organization is behind this or that event. It’s easy to take our eyes off of Jesus and get lost in all the speculation of the world around us. I wanted to joke and say the Corona Virus was a conspiracy to stop us from reaching 300 for Jesus this year.

Wait, that isn’t far from the truth! There is a massive conspiracy that we are living in. It is bigger than governments and secret organizations. This conspiracy is over 6,000 years old and is a worldwide conspiracy. This conspiracy is led by none other than Satan himself as he seeks to destroy the world.

While I don’t think Satan created the Corona Virus to keep us from reaching 300 people for Jesus in Wisconsin during 2020, I do think we are suffering from the greater conspiracy of Satan trying to stop all of us from meeting Jesus.

I am thankful for the dedicated effort of our pastors and local leaders as we work together to lift up one another during this current global challenge. I would ask each of you to join me in praying for souls to meet Jesus. God is still God. He will see us through this challenging time. It is a blessing to be called sons and daughters of God.

Let’s keep praying that God can use us to reach 300 for Him this year.

Adam Case, Wisconsin Conference Ministerial Director