Madison Community Church Prophesy Seminar on YouTube

Madison Community Church Prophesy Seminar on YouTube

Madison Community Church presented a live nine day (11 session) prophecy seminar entitled

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Editor’s Note: Giving Preference

As Christmas approaches each year, I love to sit down and contemplate the amazing grace of God, setting aside His own preference

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Two Incredible Gifts

Not long ago, I received a couple of envelopes in my work mailbox. I went to my office and sat down at my desk and

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Felicitaciones JAHWI por estos 20 años de Ministerio / Congratulations JAHWI for 20 Years of Ministry

On September 19 and 26, we rejoiced in celebrating the 20th anniversary of JAHWI’s ministry, our

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Four Ladies Join Chippewa Valley Church Through Baptism

On the Sabbath of November 7, 2020, the Chippewa Valley SDA church in Altoona, Wisconsin, witnessed the baptism of

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Free ACS Disaster Buckets Available

Adventist Community Services have been busy in their communities especially with COVID 19. Some of

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Madison Community Celebrates Five Baptisms

Two very special Sabbaths were recently celebrated at Madison Community Church

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Milwaukee Students Pack 63 Operation Christmas Child Boxes

Students at Milwaukee North Campus packed 63 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

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Healthy vs Unhealthy Food Posters

Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy, grades 3 and 4, present posters on healthy and unhealthy foods.

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Creating Autumn Art Projects at Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy

Students at Green Bay Adventist Junior Academy enjoyed studying spiders, bats, the human body,

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