Ashland Church’s 20-Year Commitment to Adopt-A-Highway

Ashland Church’s 20-Year Commitment to Adopt-A-Highway

This past Sunday, members of the Ashland Seventh-day Adventist Church headed out for their

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Editor’s Note: Power Through the Promises

For the past month I have been richly blest by the ministry of "100 Days of Prayer" provided online

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President’s Perspective: Happy Listening

Birding has been a hobby of mine for most of my life. One of the highlights was the day I had the privilege of going

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Church Food Bank Ministries in Wisconsin Conference

Food pantry ministries, a branch of Adventist Community Services, provides food to families

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Time for Planned Giving and Trust Services

I tend to look on the brighter side of my daily circumstances – I hope you do that as well. I’ve been thinking some of

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Panel de Diálogo “Eventos de los Últimos Días: Pastores Hispanos/English

Invitamos cordialmente a todas las Iglesias Adventistas Hispanas de Wisconsin a un Panel de

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President’s Perspective: Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

We are in the midst of a crisis like few of us have ever seen. A world-wide virus pandemic, travel restrictions, economic

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Hot Pink Slippers

It was a sunny, bitingly-cold, February afternoon in Wisconsin. I parked my car, got out, and shivered, as I briskly

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Meeting the Needs of Kids in the Wausau Community

As of April 1, 2020, our congregation along with community members have delivered 229 beds to kids who

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Don’s Miracle Calf

Two weeks ago during a Friday evening snowstorm, Don Benson, head elder of the Ashland Adventist church, noticed

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