Quarters for Secret DVDs

Quarters for Secret DVDs

It was Thursday morning at Wisconsin camp meeting and I had been telling mission stories every morning at the Primary tent. I started

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Life Lessons: Walter Schroeder, Age 90 – Helped by God to Help Others

Walter Schroeder, born March 20, 1929, is an energetic 90-year-old gentleman living in Arpin, Wisconsin. Just three

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An Interview With Wisconsin Conference Evangelist Tom Michalski

Last year at camp meeting the idea of having a conference evangelist was presented. "Statistics indicate that when a conference

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Camp Meeting Begins Tonight, June 14 – 22, 2019

The first meeting of the 2019 Wisconsin camp meeting begins tonight at 7:00 pm in Pioneer Pavilion at Camp Wakonda. Come

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Preparations for 2019 Wisconsin Camp Meeting Have Begun

Wisconsin camp meeting begins this weekend, June 14 through 22 at Camp Wakonda. Pastors, Conference Office Staff, Camp Wakonda Staff, ABC

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Viva Sana y Feliz / Live Healthy and Happy

Cada dos años, la Unión del Lago, con sus Conferencias:  Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan y Regional, organiza

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May/June Summer Food Sales

Stop in at the Lighthouse in Columbus, on the campus of Wisconsin Academy and take advantage of the May/June summer food sale.

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Sue Nelson to Serve as Superintendent of Education for Wisconsin Conference

Sue Nelson has accepted the call to serve as Superintendent of Education for the Wisconsin Conference. Sue is

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Loren Nelson III New Pastor for Madison East Church

Loren Nelson has accepted the call to serve as pastor of the Madison East District. Pastor Nelson

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Sanas y Felices! / Healthy & Happy!

Albert Einstein una vez dijo, “La mente es como un paracaídas: sólo funciona si se abre.” Asistir al retiro de damas 2019 en la

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