Camp Wakonda: My Favorite Choice

Camp Wakonda: My Favorite Choice

I remember my when I was a kid summer was a time that I longed for, I could not wait for long days of no school, playing football with my friends

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Mark Ringwelski of The Heralds Quartet Sings in Green Bay March 30

Mark Ringwelski, member of Green Bay Seventh-day Adventist Church, and newest member of the Heralds quartet, will be singing Sabbath

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Editor’s Note: New Heart, New Spirit

When I was senior in academy, I remember a quiet simple sophomore girl who always seemed to have a smile on her face. I don't

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Hispanic Church Ordains Eight New Leaders/La iglesia hispana de Maranatha ordena a ocho nuevos líderes

I am glad to share with you the good news of the Maranatha Hispanic Church in Milwaukee ordaining a head elder, deacons and deaconesses. It was a

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Linda Rosen Announces Her Retirement as Wisconsin Conference Superintendent for Education

Linda Rosen, Education Superintendent for the Wisconsin Conference, has announced her retirement effective August 1, 2019. Linda has

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Wisconsin Conference 6th Annual Spelling Bee

Ask any of the third or fourth grade students participating in the Spelling Bee what the one rule was they must use as they spelled some 212

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A Testimony, by Patricia Antoine-Norton, Wisconsin Conference Women’s Ministries Coordinator

During her high school years in Trinidad, Patricia Antoine-Norton struggled to make decent grades and wound up failing the examinations to

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April 14: Adventist Community Services Disaster Donations Operations Training

If a Disaster hits your town--- Are you ready? Plan now to attend the Adventist Community Services

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Dos nuevos clubes se han organizado en Milwaukee / Two New Youth Clubs Organized in Milwaukee

El pasado 13 de Febrero, 2019, el pastor Evelio Miranda, Coordinador Hispano de la Conferencia de

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