Milwaukee Central Hosts First Joint Conference Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Sabbath

Milwaukee Central Hosts First Joint Conference Public Affairs and Religious Liberty Sabbath

Sabbath afternoon, September 22, was a wonderful celebration of the total prophetic heritage of Seventh-day Adventists. Together, members

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A Year of Baptisms

Over the last five years, we have been blessed to see the Watertown church grow from 10-15 to 40-50 attending weekly. I give God all the glory for that. Being a lay pastor was

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President’s Perspective: Connecting to Serve

At the recent constituency session delegates overwhelmingly voted a new strategic plan for the next four years entitled “Connecting to Serve.” This new plan focuses on our overall mission, “to grow passionate

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Wisconsin Conference Hosts Marriage Retreat Weekend for all Pastors and Teachers

The weekend of October 19-21 about 40 pastor and teacher couples gathered in Madison for an all-expense paid retreat for

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38th Constituency Session Video Review

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Wisconsin’s 38th Constituency Session Conducts Business, Elects Officers, and Lays Out Mission for the Future

Constituents from the Wisconsin Conference met at Wisconsin Academy Church Sunday morning, October 7, 2018,

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Constituency Reelects Officers for 2018-2021 Term

The Wisconsin Conference constituency held their 38th session today, October 7, 2018, and reelected Mike Edge as President, Brian Stephan as Secretary/Treasurer, Adam Case as Ministerial Director, Linda Rosen as Education Superintendent, Juanita Edge as Communication Director, Eric Chavez as Youth Director, and Cindy Stephan as Planned Giving and Trust Director.

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Men’s Ministry in Waukesha

The Waukesha Men’s Ministry had a busy summer with trips to a Brewer’s game, as well as a picnic/barbecue at a Waukesha park. They have also planned a potluck breakfast and a movie to enjoy, I Can Only Imagine. “Men’s Ministries exists to encourage Christian fellowship and spiritual renewal among the men of Wisconsin,” says Steve Elliott,…

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Waukesha Adventurers Go Canoeing

The Waukesha Church Adventurer Club kicked off the new year with a canoe outing to Ottawa Lake on Sunday, September 2, 2018. The children enjoyed

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President’s Perspective: That Sure Word of Prophecy

Years ago, when I became the youth director at Camp Yorktown Bay, in Arkansas, I was interested in finding out how much

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